I know what you're thinking..."Didn't you just talk about Thieves spray last Wednesday?!"
Yes. I did.
But that was the Thieves Household cleaner that you mix with tap water and put in a spray bottle.
Today, I am talking about the kind that you can make with just the bottle of Thieves essential oil that comes in the Premium Starter Kit.
Here's what you need:
- Distilled water
- 12-15 drops of Thieves essential oil
- 1 tbsp Vodka
- Amber glass spray bottle (comes with the set)
- (funnel - comes with the set of glass bottles)
I came across this recipe in the Oily Life Guide book I talked about last Friday. This book has other AWESOME recipes in here that I have not seen before and I completely suggest buying one if you are looking for a great guide to start using oils more.
How to:
- Drop in the Thieves drops
- Use funnel and measuring spoon to add vodka
- Fill remainder of bottle with distilled water.
- Screw on spray top
- Shake a bit and spray.
I will definitely label this bottle and keep it in my car for the times when we are out and about and need to clean our hands in a pinch.