1. This photo of Ellis. Taken Wednesday after school. She was sitting at the kitchen counter eating a snack of Tomato soup and crackers and simultaneously playing with all her characters.
This photo is more than just a representation of that day for me. It's a representation of being intentional. Intentionally taking the extra few minutes to grab my big camera and snap a photo or three of her. I go through seasons with my big camera in hand a lot - and then other seasons forgetting it all together. Either way, just five minutes capturing her on this day at this exact age with tomato soup around her mouth makes me happy.
2. I picked up these two books a week or so ago after a couple recommendations from my oily friends.
Both books are beautifully made. The photos that go along with the recipes and information are gorgeous. Both are so informative for the beginner, as well as the seasoned oil user.
Oil and Glass has is more of a recipe-type book that has awesome tried and tested DIY oil recipes. The book has eight great sections: Health & Wellness, Body Woes, Beauty & Skincare, Babies & Children, Home & Garden, Pregnancy & Birth, Mind, Body & Spirit, and Diffuser Favorites & Supplies.
The Oily Life Guide is a great book for folks who are just beginning their journey with oils and how to utilize their Premium Starter Kit.
Both books are available at Life Science Products and Publishing, but Oil and Glass is also available on Amazon.com.
3. This font: Bhatoshine. Available here, at Creative Market.
I used this font to cut out the "Thieves" label for my spray bottle earlier this week. And I have used it a LOT since I bought it for lots of purposes. It's a fun hand brushed font that's bold enough for titles. It also comes with a great all caps typeface font to pair it with.
4. One of my favorite "punniest love quotes" thus far this month from the Letter Pixels lettering challenge.
I am trying to work a day ahead on these this month, so I finished this one last night. I showed it to Adam and he smiled and said, "Thanks, babe!" I'm pretty sure that counts as my Valentine to him this year. Kidding...kind of.
5. Finally, another diffuser combo.
Adam's "office" is off the kitchen. I have been diffusing this combo in the kitchen this week because Adam has been doing a lot of hard and time consuming work at his desk this week. I love the smell of all of them - and really all of them alone are like magical oil, so why not combine the for triple the magic?! I called it the Grind combo because he even commented that it smelled great while he "grinded away."