time: 4:33PM
location: Home.
watching: nothing at the moment...it's actually quiet and I can hear the birds chirping a bit outside. I can also hear Ellis in the kitchen doing her chore...I assigned her the duty of rinsing out sugar cookie icing squeezy bottles that have been soaking in warm soapy water in the sink. She is rinsing them out and placing them on a drying towel. Amen and hallelujah that she is old enough for chores!!!
Working: Party Decor, but also party decor for a baby shower I am co-hosting coming up in late March. Designing the shower invite. Ellis and I also made cute paper Lady Bugs on a Leaf projects (thanks to this Facebook page, The Best Ideas for Kids, for the idea!), and glitter slime before lunch. I am the type of mom that would 99% much more enjoy doing an activity like making something or playing a game, than playing Barbies or dolls. I am not sure why. I used to love dolls when I was little, but it's hard for me as a mom. When it's my choice I choose an activity or game, hands down. When it's her choice, I oblige most of the time.
drinking: water. Lots of water. I feel like am always thirsty lately.
Eating: Just had a slice of warm banana bread straight from the oven with extra butter. What? You didn't know banana bread is the latest "pre-workout?!" For me, it is today! Today it has been a slow and easy day of inside activities. I feel like some days I have my phone always documenting things and events. Other days, I just forget. Today, I made an effort to document a little snippet in the form of Instagram story. It's not much, but when I do feel like "documenting" I almost always use IG stories, then I save them to my phone so I have the video clips to keep forever.
Today's thus far: