- Value my relationships with friends and family. I do, but I mean truly VALUE them and consciously take time to nurture them and make time for the people who I hold close. Value my time with Ellis, Adam, and Henry. Be present and available when I am home to play, to listen, to just sit and watch a movie as a family.
- Value my time wisely. Less scrolling and more being present and spending my time doing something valuable. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy social media, but I do find myself doing the endless scroll instead of having conversations, or playing, or reading books, or just being still.
- Value my work. I do. But I want my time spent to be of value instead of just rolling through the motions. Creating really good valuable work. And I will be very real here; trusting myself and my creative work that it IS good and is "worth something." Something I have struggled with being in the creative field.
- Value my body and continue to take care of it by working out but also RESTING when I need it...listening to my body and doing yoga when I "think" I need cardio. Also putting food and fueling my body with things that are valuable to be healthy...read: less junk food. Eeek.
- Value things that have purpose or are beautiful to me, and forget about the rest. And by "forget" I mean THROW.IT.OUT. I would like to really focus on only keeping the things that serve a purpose or are beautiful to me in my home.
- Value the dollar and stop buying mindless stuff. Make and effort to only buy things that will serve a purpose...going to really try hard to not buy out of boredom (i.e: mindless shop at Burkes, Big Lots, Etc.) because let's face it, I do that because the items are cheap at those stores.
- Value moments that are unplanned happiness. Moments in quiet. Moments with my little family.
- On the opposite of value; realize when things have lost their value and let them go. Clothes, shoes, house hold items that have been in the cabinets not being used.
I am really excited to see how this one little word will connect with me this year. I hope that it truly helps me to value the pieces of my life that I hold dear, and let go of the rest that isn't.