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- So proud of these girls. They literally played their hearts out in Austin last Friday. I am not much of a sports fanatic, but watching these girls play had me on the edge of my seat. Way to go, Lady Dillos!!!
- Adam and I’s list of house things that we would like to do. I jokingly call it "working in the projects!" We made it back in January as sort of a goal list of home improvements. Since then, we've crossed off quite a few of the 18 original items...however, it seems as we cross off one "project" we end up adding another. I think we are up to 26 er 7. Aye, ya, yay.
- Yesterday morning while making Jiffy muffins, I asked Adam to set the oven to 350. I turn around and he has it set for 355. Really?! This normally would not bother me, but I did wake up in a rather cranky mood so I asked, “355?! Really??!” He then informed me that our oven is 5 degrees off - has been since we moved in...FOUR YEARS AGO. “It’s on the home inspection papers!” he says. Cranky me insisted on having proof, so he set off to the file cabinet to find the proof. He returned in less than 5 minutes with the inspection papers that indeed said our oven is 5 degrees off...but in the opposite direction.
This still has me wondering...how many times have I burnt baking goodies??? Am I a bad baker, or has it been the oven this whole time???
- I finally finished catching back up on Army Wives on Lifetime. I really love that show. I’m not sure how “true” to real life it is, but it does put a great reminder of gratitude back in my head of how much Army (all military) families really do sacrifice for the greater good.
- H, had a fun weekend that his mama ruined with a 4 letter word yesterday evening. B.A.T.H. He usually does really well with baths, but I think he was super tired from playing outside all day. Clearly he had had enough of his mama and papa. He literally did not care to come out from under. That is, until Adam asked him if he wanted to go for a ride ;)
- Spring Break is next week. I’m in the process of making a list :) I love a great list lately!
- I ordered this book this past weekend
I've heard/read lots of great things about Keri Smith, so I'm excited to try it out. Any comments?
- Is anyone else SUPER tired of hearing about Charlie Sheen?!?!?! I thought he was getting on my nerves, until now as I finish this post, the Insider is going on and on and on (and ON!!!) about Lindsey Lohan and some freaking necklace. REALLY??? This is quote/unquote "INSIDER" information? Sorta makes me wish the days when Michael Jackson's funeral was all they talked about.
Well, sorta.